The Benefits
of Continuous Cold Therapy

Stand out from the crowd, offer your patients an affordable, effective product they can't get anywhere else.

How do you increase the number of third molar surgeries you do each year?

Surgery to remove wisdom teeth is performed by oral surgeons, periodontists and general dentists alike. Differentiating yourself from other providers for this service is important. It is, after all, the biggest part of a financially successful oral and maxillofacial surgery practice.

The best way to stand out among your referring doctors is to offer something for their patients they can’t get anywhere else. Post-operative patient management is a service that most periodontists and other oral surgeons overlook. Anything you can do that results in less pain, swelling and bruising and makes patients, parents and referring doctors appreciate your surgical services more will translate into more referrals for the removal of third molars. The Cool Comfort Wrap™ helps your patients recover quicker with less narcotic medications and helps them to return to normal chewing function faster.

Increase the number of third molar surgeries you perform by offering the Cool Comfort  Wrap™  to your  patients.

The Cool Comfort Wrap™ recovery system will differentiate your surgical services from your competitors and increase the number of cases you perform. Once you experience the positive feedback from your patients (and their parents) you will see that the small cost of the Cool Comfort Wrap™ is well worth it.

It pays for itself by generating more third molar surgery cases for a fraction of the reimbursement you receive.

More referrals = more surgery = more reimbursement.

Geographic exclusivity is available. Please call for details

The Cool Comfort Wrap system includes:

  • Set up and application instructions
  • Patient instructions on the use of the Cool Comfort Wrap™
  • Instructions on cleaning and maintenance
  • Administrative forms and inventory control forms

How the Cool Comfort Wrap works

In order to showcase the Cool Comfort Wrap™ and educate the patient and their caregiver on its use, we recommend applying it right after surgery. The patient is placed in the Cool Comfort Wrap™ in the recovery room and instructions are given on how to apply it and how to use it at home. The unit number is recorded on the inventory control form and when returned at the first post-operative visit, logged back in and set aside for cleaning and reuse. 

How many units will my office need?

Depending on the number of third molar surgeries you do in a normal week will determine how many units you will need to purchase. We recommend one unit for each recovery room in your office and at least 4 units to stock for initial use.

The initial investment is small and your satisfaction with the Cool Comfort Wrap™ System is guaranteed. See Terms and Conditions. The Cool Comfort Wrap™ sleeve is disposable for patient safety.

Steriplex™ disinfectant solution is available to ensure quick and easy maintenance of your Cool Comfort Wrap™ units.

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